I’m well on my way to looking and feeling the way I know I want and should be!

I’m well on my way to looking and feeling the way I know I want and should be!

Before I started training with Matt I was always starting and stopping new fitness regimes ...whether it be joining a gym and never going or starting a running group and stopping after a few weeks. Nothing has ever kept me motivated until I started training with Personal Challenge Fitness. I am part of a private training group which my friends and I started together 4 months ago. The atmosphere is relaxed and so much fun that we are constantly laughing but at the same time, Matt pushes us to be the best we can be 100% of the time. I have already noticed changes not only in my weight but in the tone of my muscles and most importantly, my energy levels. I sleep better now because I push myself at training. It also encourages me to eat better as I want to maximize the benefits. Plus chocolate is never as tasty when in the back of your mind you remember just how many squat jumps you need to burn off one piece! My wedding is in December this year and I'm well on my way to looking and feeling the way I know I want and should be. Thanks heaps, Matt! Anna Bolitho, Bride to be Wakerley
Personal Challenge Fitness
Before I started training with Matt I was always starting and stopping new fitness regimes ...whether it be joining a gym and never going or starting a running group and stopping after a few weeks. Nothing has ever kept me motivated until I started training with Personal Challenge Fitness. I am part of a private training group which my friends and I started together 4 months ago. The atmosphere is relaxed and so much fun that we are constantly laughing but at the same time, Matt pushes us to be the best we can be 100% of the time. I have already noticed changes not only in my weight but in the tone of my muscles and most importantly, my energy levels. I sleep better now because I push myself at training. It also encourages me to eat better as I want to maximize the benefits. Plus chocolate is never as tasty when in the back of your mind you remember just how many squat jumps you need to burn off one piece! My wedding is in December this year and I'm well on my way to looking and feeling the way I know I want and should be. Thanks heaps, Matt! Anna Bolitho, Bride to be Wakerley